Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Juz Bcoz

ga trasa..dah 1bln lbh g ga nge-blog..haizzz..
many reason sh..
- malaz
- no mood
- bz
- ga ad wkt
- ga pgn
- 'juz bcoz'

selama 2007.. byk yg trjd..
i hv a question on my mind.. knp manusia sllu lbh ingat hal yang sedih dibanding yang seneng??

我想要学会自我催眠 痛觉会少一些..
I want to learn how to hypnotise myself, to allay the pain..

(nice lyric)

2007, thn yang ckp berat bg g.. tp g jg dpt bbrp pmbelajaran idup yg brhrg di thn ini.. 有些事你必须要面对的. the world..the time won't stop moving bcoz u. life is olweis full of obtacles and situation so we need to be strong to overcome it..
juz wake up..
juz bcoz..


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